lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Debate Question Group

What would you do if you saw a UFO?

My opinion, Two optios.. : 

- If I saw a UFO I would run away!

- If I saw a UFO I would take photographs or record.

My opinion of Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence is a serious problem for the society, the people taht is victim of this facts must denounce immediately.
The most famous cases of Domestic Violence is against women, but exist different types of Violence, against the man, physical abuse, emotional abuse and others.
The people must understand the bad of the situation and change...

My Opinion of Healthy Habits

In my opinion healthy habits are very important to us. If we eating healthy we can do everything better and our body work well.
People should take a walk everyday and avaid fries, and people shouldn't drink soda everyday and eat junk food often.
My favourite food is Pascualina :).
In conclution, is better to us eating healthy to live better with ourselves.

All About Me

Stefani Franco:  I'm sixteen years old, I from Montevideo. My favourite subjects are paint and maths. My favourite fruit is watermelon and my favourite sport is swimming. I love dance and listen to music with friends and Im so like looking me on the miorror. my best friends are Mariano and Lucia and my friend is Micaela.
I like travel, my favourite place to go is New York and Paris.
My plans for the future is be architect and continue studing.